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There will be a lot of customer information included in the inquiry. And after deep excavation, you can accumulate more customers and enhance the conversion rate.

Here are seven skills:

First, Customer's company registered and the location of the sender.

1.Both place are the same: single viewed from this point, we basically know the customer is true. As for the specific in which country or region, type and level of customer, it should be judged according to your own industry and experience.

2.Place are different: in this case, there are many liars. Foreign liar doesn't know the Ali paid members back stage will show the location where they send email. They think they can register to write UK\FR or USA ,and people will believe him. But it also is divided into several different condition, cannot lump together.

1).The register place is the developed country and the place that send email is in very poor country. I've received many inquiries which registration is UK or USA, but mail in Nigerial. These guests mostly are liars;

2).The registration and the location of the sender is in the economic, political and cultural prosperous place, where the buyer exchanges are frequent, and it does not need visa among many nations, such as America and Canada, Britain and Ireland. These customers are mostly real customer.

3).注册地在国外,发件地在中国大陆. 有可能是来自中国的骗子或者是给某个网站打广告的 ,但也有可能是客人本人已经来到了中国. 这个时候需要赶紧和客人确认他在中国的行程,他有没有留下手机号码(甚至有中国的手机号码)?会不会来自己所在的城市?有没有可能安排会见?在公司、工厂还是在酒店? 需要准备些什么东西?
3). Registered in foreign country, but location of the sender is in Chinese continent. He may be the Chinese liar or someone who wnats to advertise for a website, or he may be customer himself who already come to China. So you need to confirm your customer's schedule at once and ask whether he has the Chinese mobile number. And think whether he will come to the city of you and whether you can arrange a meeting. And is he in company, factory or in hotel. And what need to prepare for.

4).注册地在中国,发件地在国外. 一种可能,是中国人注册后出国了. 第二种很常见的可能是,老外在注册的时候没有选注册地,而系统默认为CHINA;
4). Registered in China, and location of the sender is in foreign countries.One possibility is Chinese registered but abroad while the second is that the foreigner doesn't select the registration, so the system default CHINA.

Of course, there are many other possibilities, which depends on the specific situation of inquiry. After comparing a number of similar inquiry, you will have a clearer understanding of it.

Second, buyers recent search terms

1. 发现客人搜索过的词,正好是你可以供应的产品或服务. 专业客人,认真对待。
1. If you find the words searched by the customer are your suppling products or service, then he is your professional customer which need your serious treatment.

2. 客人用的搜索词,我们从来没有用过,也不知道它的存在.但客人在用这个词来搜索他要的产品.而且这个产品是我们完全可以生产或供应的.此时我会找几个匹配的产品,马上用这个关键词在后台发布. 这样可能在三、五天就会有询盘.哪怕这个词是冷门词,在阿里的搜索量不大,而其中有一个是真正的客人,那么成功的机会也大大提高了。
2. If the words that the customer searching are those we never use or know, but the customer uses it to search his product which we can provide, we can find some match product and release in the background immediately. You may get the inquiry in three or five days later. Even if the word is unpopular and has small search volume in Ali, but among which is a real customer, then the chance of success is also greatly improved.

3.If the words that the customer use are not match our main products, or more complex, then the customer is likely to be trading company.

Third,guest behavior in recently 90 days

1)如果客人最近90天浏览了100个产品,发了300-500个询盘甚至更多,而且还被不少的供应拉黑. 这个时候我需要需要谨慎加谨慎. 一来不要轻易上档受骗(包括同行套价格的),二来即使是真正的客人,他是不断地在比价.
If the guest has browsed 100 products and sent 300-500 inquiries or even more in 90 days, and was also pulled black by a lot of suppliers. You need to be cautious. Do not easily be cheated (including peer set price), and even he is the really a customer, he is constantly comparing the price.

2)如果客人最近90天浏览了100个产品,发了3封询盘,而且你是其中之一. 这个时候就得认真对待了.虽然不能断定这个客人是不是好客户,最起码客人觉得你是适合他的.
2) If the guest has browsed 100 products, and sent 3 letters to enquiry within 90 days, and you are one of them. You have to take it seriously. Although you cannot judge whether he is a good customer, but at least he will thing you are right for him.

Forth, the qualification and age of the customer.

很多人认为客户都是免费会员,我们无法查到他的资质. 但在询盘中可以看到客人注册和使用阿里巴巴的年限。
Many people believe that customers are free membership, but we can not find his qualifications. But in the inquiry, we can see customer's registration and period of using Alibaba.

1)If the buyer registration time is early, long life (5-8 years), he may be know more about Alibaba than you and the supplier product list and price on Alibaba. You should very professionally recept the customer, or he will thing you are not good enough. Some of them place an order in ali express, even with VIP.

2) If the buyer just registered, he may be so familiar with the network operation or process of foreign trade, he will need your professional and patient help, especially in shipping and payment terms. If the guests can master everything under your help, he will be your faithful customer.

Fifth, if the customer has Ali Wangwang account, then please add directly, so that you can see the customer online or not.

Sixth, you can directly view the emails with customers.

Seventh, look at the inquiry sent by your customer and check whether it is only for you or for group
VIEWS. 1042 UPDATE. 12-01