外贸导航第一站!做外贸 , 上 WAIMAO.CN


(51) Vacuum cleaners of this brand arecompetitive in the international market and are the best-selling products oftheir Kind. 这种牌子的吸尘器在国际市场上颇具竞争力,是同类产品中最畅销的

(52) Forever multiplespeed racing bicycles are sure to be salable in your market 永久牌变速跑车在你们的市场上一定很畅销

(53) Owing to its superior quality andreasonable price, our silk has met with a warm reception and quick sale in mostEuropean countries 我们的丝绸品质优良,价格公道,深受大多数欧洲国家的欢迎,非常畅销。

(54) We feel that our product is the bestkind in Asia and we can very well compete against Japan in price 我们认为我们的产品在亚洲是最好的,在价格上完全可以与日本竞争

(55) Our goods are greatly appreciated inother markets similar to your own 我们的产品在其它市场同在贵方市场一样受到欢迎

(56) By virtue of this superior quality,this product is often sold out in many areas. 我们的产品因其优秀的品质,在很多地区经常脱销

(57) Our products are superior in qualityand moderate in price and are sure to be saleable in your market 我们的产品品质优秀,价格适中,在贵方市场上一定很畅销

(58) These items are most salable in ourmarket 在我方市场上,这些产品是最畅销的。

(59) There has been a steady demand in ourmarket for this kind of toy 在我们的市场上,这种玩具的需求一直很稳定

(60) We have the pleasure in recommendingyou the goods similar to the samples you sent 我们很高兴地向你们推荐类同于贵方所提供之样品的样品。 外贸英语口语900 Unit 3 业务范围介绍

Part One

(61) We wish to introduce ourselves to youas a sate-owned corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods. 我们是一家国营公司,专营轻工产品

(62) We are introducing ourselves as one ofthe lading exporters of the same line of business 我们是同一业务范围内的主要出口商之一

(63) We have the pleasure of introducingourselves to you as a state corporation specializing in the export of cannedgoods. 我们很荣幸地向你们自我介绍,我们专营出口罐头食品的一家国营公司

(64) We introduce ourselves as dealers inbicycles and spare parts. We have been in this line for over two decades. 我们是自行车和零部件的经销商,我们在这一行业已经做了20 多年了。 (65) Our corporation isspecialized in handling the export business of textiles 我们公司专营纺织品出口业务

(66) The main products our corporationdeals in are electrical appliances. 我们公司经营的主要产品是电器

(67) Our company is mainly engaged inagricultural products. 我公司主要经营农产品

(68) We specialize in the export oftable-cloths. 我们专营餐布的出口业务

(69) Our company mainly deals with theexport business of silk goods. 我公司主要经营丝织品的出口业务

(70) Our specialization is the exportationof Chinese silk garments 我们专门经营中国丝绸服装的出口业务

(71) We are engaged in the import andexport of machinery. 我们经营机械进出口业务

(72) We are now doing a large importbusiness in fruits from Southeast Asia. 我们的业务是大批量进口东南亚的果品

(73) We specialize in handling clocks andwatches of all sorts. 我们专门经营各种类型的钟表 (74) We also take on a variety of silkpiece goods 我们也经营各种绸缎的生意

(75) Our activities cover a wide range ofcommodities, such as ties, belts and shirts. 我们经营的商品范围多样,有领带、皮带、衬衫等。

Part Two

(76) We are in a very good position tosupply most grades of canned fish at competitive prices and for gooddelivery 我们完全有能力以最具有竞争性的价格提供各种鱼类罐头

(77) We are in a position to accept ordersagainst customers samples specifying design, specifications and packagingrequirements. 我们可以按照客户所提供的样品并根据其所要求的式样、规格、包装要求等接受订单

(78) We are not exporting straw and willowproducts, embroideries, porcelain wares, jade carvings, antiques, Chinesepaintings, silk flowers and various kinds of toys and gifts. 我们做草柳制品,刺绣制品,陶瓷,玉雕,古玩,国画,绢花和各种各样的玩具和礼物的出口业务

(79) Our corporation is a major producer oftechnically advanced machinery and chemicals for industry and agriculture. 我们公司主要生产用于工业和农业的具有先进技术的机械和化工产品

(80) Electronic products fall within thescope of our business activities 电子产品属于我们的业务经营范围

(81) We also do export business of handmade woven articles. 我们也做手工编制物品的出口业务

(82) We have been engaged in the glassbusiness with many Asian countries for many years 多年来我们一直在和许多亚洲国家做玻璃的业务

(83) Our company is mainly in the line ofexporting Chinese art objects to European markets. 我们公司专做向欧洲市场出口中国工艺品的生意

(84) We also do import and export businessin chemicals and agricultural products 我公司还经营化学产品和家产品进出口的业务

(85) We have been importing and exportingall kinds of metals and minerals for 30 years and have many customers andfriends in over 80 countries and regions

(86) Our corporation is a group enterpriseintegrating scientific research, business, production and service. 我们的公司是一家企业集团,集科研、业务、生产和售后服务为一体

(87) As a joint venture, our corporationhas won a prominent position in the fields of home electronics, computers andtelecommunications in China 作为一家合资企业,在中国境内,我们公司在家用电器、计算器、电讯等领域处领先地位

(88) We are prepared to accept orders forgoods with customers own trade marks or brand names 我们可以按照客户所指定的商品的商标和牌号接受订单

(89) We have been handling leather shoesand gloves for more than 20 years 我们经营皮鞋和手套已经有20多年了。

(90) We have been engaged for two decadesin the manufacture of such equipment. 我们从事这类设备的制造已20年了。

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